Our Guests: Friends, Fun & Firepower Video

Friends, Fun and Firepower 5.28.16
Friends, Fun & Firepower Video

About Friends, Fun & Firepower Video

“Friends, Fun and Firepower” is what happens when you get great friends together on a gorgeous spring day in the Arizona Southwest.

Cheryl Todd of AZFirearms and Gun Freedom Radio, along with her husband Dan, made this day happen with their incredible variety of new and historic firearms!

In this video you will see a Glock 18 Full-Auto, a Solothurn 20mm, a Valmet, 7.62x39mm Full-Auto, a WWII Era British 303 Bren Gun, an M60 in .308, a WWII Era German MG42 8mm, and even a WWII 105mm Howitzer Cannon, which was used in the 2016 movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice!

Among Cheryl’s friends who enjoyed a safe and fun day of shooting together were Barbara Baird from the Women’s Outdoor Network, Carrie Lightfoot from The Well Armed Woman, Mike Abramovich from Certified Instruction & Training, LLC, Wes Denham, Powerhouse Grafix, Cassie Todd from Pot of Gold Estate Auctions, and Zev Nadler of BestDronage.com!

Barbara Baird from the Women’s Outdoor News is a national advocate for the Second Amendment, Hunting, Personal Protection and so much more as it relates to the Outdoors.

Carrie Lightfoot of The Well Armed Woman has Chapters in all 50 States and boasts a membership of over 8,000 women who, are being empowered with training, gear, and more.

Wes Denham of Powerhouse Grafix is the graphic and web designer trusted by these national brands and others to keep their websites and web stores ahead of the ever-changing digital world.

Mike Abramovich of Certified Instruction & Training, LLC is the trainer-to-the-trainers for all TWAW Chapters in the AZ Southwest and all across the nation.

The Firearms Concierge, known for their firearms related tours in the Sonoran Desert, provided some range safety.

BestDronage at www.bestdronage.com provided the aerial and ground videography.  Their drones are amazing and deliver awesome 4K video that allow for unique firearms related perspectives!”

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