Our Guests: Cyndee Harding

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Cyndee Harding

About Cyndee Harding

Cyndee Harding, owner and designer of Cyndee’s Conceal Carry purses.

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Cyndee’s Conceal Carry purses are the “perfect” conceal carry purse that is the safest and most secure way to carry in a chic functional purse,(Made in USA).

Cyndee has  created the “perfect” conceal carry purse that is the safest and most secure way to carry in a chic functional purse,(Made in USA).  As a certified NRA pistol instructor, she trains women that have little to no experience or have had a negative experience, in an environment where they can feel comfortable and confident in handling a firearm.   She promotes personal safety and situation awareness through a one hour presentation (Cellphones, Flashlights and Bullets). In the presentation, she teaches strategies and tips for safety and awareness in public, home and workplace.  For over 10 years, Cyndee has been a CCW holder and spent countless hours of training in defensive pistol.  She is a certified instructor for “Refuse to be a Victim”, member of NRA, The Well Armed Women and Arizona Women’s Shooting Association.

From Cyndee: “I have been developing and manufacturing my purse line for three years.  In the process I have taken classes and received certifications in different areas of personal safety and situation awareness.  There is a hug gap between the average citizen and a CCW permit holder as far as awareness.  There are so many ways that we can be safe and aware of our surroundings, that is why I launched “Not Your Victim“.  This is a series of classes that address how to be safe in public, at home and in the workplace.  My objective is to teach people how to say, “Move along, I am not your victim, today”.  This is possible through verbal and non verbal communication, we just need to know how.  I teach the principle, “Your body can no do what your mind has never considered”.  Now is the time to consider our personal safety.”

Shows Featuring Cyndee Harding


Places you can find Cyndee Harding

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