Our Guests: Congressman Thomas Massie (KY)

Thomas Massie
Congressman Thomas Massie (KY)

About Congressman Thomas Massie (KY)

Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie represents Kentucky’s 4th Congressional District, and is the Chair of the Second Amendment Caucus in the United States Congress.

U.S. Representative Thomas Massie entered Congress in November 2012 after serving as Lewis County Judge Executive. He represents Kentucky’s 4th Congressional District which stretches across Northern Kentucky and 280 miles of the Ohio River. He serves as Chair of the Second Amendment Caucus in Congress.

Thomas married his high school sweetheart, Rhonda, and with their four children, live on a cattle farm in Kentucky.

Shows Featuring Congressman Thomas Massie (KY)


Places you can find Congressman Thomas Massie (KY)

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