Our Guests: Christy Kajiwara Gusman

Christy Kajiwara Gusman of DCP-HI
Christy Kajiwara Gusman

About Christy Kajiwara Gusman

Christy Kajiwara Gusman is a wife to Kimo and mother of four. She is the Hawaii State Director to The DC Project and A Girl And A Gun Facilitator, the Maui Aloha Chapter.
Christy also is the Hawaii Firearms Coalition Maui Director, Hawaii Rifle Association Maui Director, and the Founder Hawaii Youth Livestock Association.
Christy and her husband, Kimo own the Circle L Ranch LLC in Maui.
In 2022 Christy and Kimo hosted Beef and Bullets, a 3-day event located on the island of Maui. Numerous live shooting events and classes were held during the thee day event with a livestock auction and luau dinner to end the weekend.

Shows Featuring Christy Kajiwara Gusman


Places you can find Christy Kajiwara Gusman

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