Our guests today are Jan Ennenga & Beth Rees, of Armed Women of America. Jan Marie Ennenga is the executive director for Armed Women of America and Beth Rees is a Certified Meeting Professional and the founder of REES | The Event Runner™️. Beth specializes in creating memorable experiences for purpose-driven start-ups, corporations, small businesses, associations, and nonprofits, including Armed Women of America. 1) Jan, who is the AWA, and is your organization new to the women's firearm training organization space? 2) Beth, what makes AWA special in your opinion? 3) Jan, someone listening is thinking, “There's not a chapter near me, but I'd love to start one.” What do they do to get started? 4) Jan, why are fundraisers important for the organization? 5) Beth tell us about the auction specifics, such as the broad range of donated items, the donors you have, and those you still need. 6) Jan & Beth, how do people follow the work you do, both separately and together? 7) How do people bid on the 2024 AWA Benefit Auction, presented by POGAuctions.com ?

GunFreedomRadio EP455 Support the Armed Women of America with Jan Ennenga & Beth Rees

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REES | The Event Runner™️. She specializes in creating memorable experiences for purpose-driven start-ups, corporations, small businesses, associations, and nonprofits.

Since 2014, Beth has been involved in TWAW Shooting Chapters and the Armed Women of America (AWA) organization, first serving as a volunteer chapter leader and then as a board member.

As an event professional, Beth has collaborated with the AWA team to create and produce regional and national events, both in person and online. Her expertise extends to creating sponsorship opportunities and fundraising initiatives.

Armed Women of America. She started with the organization in 2013 as a member of what was then called The Well Armed Woman, LLC.

In 2014, when the chapters program spun off into the TWAW Shooting Chapters, Inc. non-profit organization, Jan became a volunteer chapter leader gaining the first of her firearms instructor credentials. She served as member of the Board of Directors during the rebranding of the organization to Armed Women of America.

Jan joined the organization as the CEO, April 1, 2024 combining her decades of association management experience with her passion for helping women become their own self-protectors. Armed Women of America exists to enable women to be their own self-protectors, creating freedom, peace of mind and confidence in themselves.

Jan Ennenga of Armed Women of America

GunFreedomRadio EP455 Support the Armed Women of America with Jan Ennenga & Beth Rees – Originally Aired 8.9.24


Our guests today are Jan Ennenga & Beth Rees, of Armed Women of America.

Jan Marie Ennenga is the executive director for Armed Women of America and Beth Rees is a Certified Meeting Professional and the founder of REES | The Event Runner™️.

Beth specializes in creating memorable experiences for purpose-driven start-ups, corporations, small businesses, associations, and nonprofits, including Armed Women of America.

1) Jan, who is the AWA, and is your organization new to the women’s firearm training organization space?

2) Beth, what makes AWA special in your opinion?

3) Jan, someone listening is thinking, “There’s not a chapter near me, but I’d love to start one.” What do they do to get started?

4) Jan, why are fundraisers important for the organization?

5) Beth tell us about the auction specifics, such as the broad range of donated items, the donors you have, and those you still need.

6) Jan & Beth, how do people follow the work you do, both separately and together?

7) How do people bid on the 2024 AWA Benefit Auction, presented by POGAuctions.com ?

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