Our guest today is Mychael Waller. Mychael is the youngest, African American Federal Firearms Licensed (FFL) dealer in Illinois. He is the C.E.O. and owner of his online gun store, Mj’s Firearms, LLC and Protect 1*, LLC, Outdoor Range and Training Facility. After surviving two separate self-defense shootings, one while walking with his young son, Mychael had further motivation to become an advocate and trainer for gun safety and the freedom of law-abiding citizens to bear arms to protect themselves and their family. 1) You have survived two separate attempts on your life by strangers. Self-defense is very real to you. What prepared you to successfully defend yourself? 2) How are you and your son after having gone through such traumatic events? 3) You were recently on the Firearms & Freedom Docuseries. How did that come about?

GunFreedomRadio EP415 Trained to Survive with Mychael Waller

GunFreedomRadio EP415 Trained to Survive with Mychael Waller – Originally Aired 6.21.23



Our guest today is Mychael Waller. Mychael is the youngest, African American Federal Firearms Licensed (FFL) dealer in Illinois.

He is the C.E.O. and owner of his online gun store, Mj’s Firearms, LLC and Protect 1*, LLC, Outdoor Range and Training Facility. After surviving two separate self-defense shootings, one while walking with his young son, Mychael had further motivation to become an advocate and trainer for gun safety and the freedom of law-abiding citizens to bear arms to protect themselves and their family.

1) You have survived two separate attempts on your life by strangers. Self-defense is very real to you. What prepared you to successfully defend yourself?

2) How are you and your son after having gone through such traumatic events?

3) You were recently on the Firearms & Freedom Docuseries. How did that come about?

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