Our guest today is Arizona State Representative Quang Nguyen. Quang is an Arizona State House Legislator representing Legislative District 1. Quang is also the President of the Arizona State Rifle & Pistol Association, and in 2021 Quang was honored as the National Legislator of the year by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF). 1) You will be one of the 30 Speakers at the 10th Annual Celebrate & Protect the 2A Rally Event on Saturday, February 18, 2023 at the AZ State Capitol. When I asked you for a quote about why the 2A is so important, you stated, “I live to defend the Second Amendment, because I have lived without the Second Amendment.” Talk to us about that. 2) You and I know that the Bill of Rights was written for everyone. It was never intended to be a political issue nor a political football, but it sadly has become just that. Is it possible to push politics back out of the discussion about our Individual Liberties to keep and bear arms? 3) We have a nationwide – actually worldwide audience, but you Serve in the AZ Legislature. Like several States across the nation, AZ has a democrat governor, how will the current legislature advance legislation to protect our gun rights? 4) Do you have any 2A bills on the 2023 agenda? 5) Talk to us about your 2021 bill that protects the firearm industry in Arizona. 6) We expect the left to introduce gun-control bills, how will you handle these bills as Chairman of the Judiciary Committee.

GunFreedomRadio EP397 Living With & Without the 2A with Quang Nguyen

GunFreedomRadio EP397 Living With & Without the 2A with Quang Nguyen – Orig Aired 1.30.23


Our guest today is Arizona State Representative Quang Nguyen. Quang is an Arizona State House Legislator representing Legislative District 1.

Quang is also the President of the Arizona State Rifle & Pistol Association, and in 2021 Quang was honored as the National Legislator of the year by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF).

1) You will be one of the 30 Speakers at the 10th Annual Celebrate & Protect the 2A Rally Event on Saturday, February 18, 2023 at the AZ State Capitol.

When I asked you for a quote about why the 2A is so important, you stated, “I live to defend the Second Amendment, because I have lived without the Second Amendment.” Talk to us about that.

2) You and I know that the Bill of Rights was written for everyone. It was never intended to be a political issue nor a political football, but it sadly has become just that. Is it possible to push politics back out of the discussion about our Individual Liberties to keep and bear arms?

3) We have a nationwide – actually worldwide audience, but you Serve in the AZ Legislature. Like several States across the nation, AZ has a democrat governor, how will the current legislature advance legislation to protect our gun rights?

4) Do you have any 2A bills on the 2023 agenda?

5) Talk to us about your 2021 bill that protects the firearm industry in Arizona.

6) We expect the left to introduce gun-control bills, how will you handle these bills as Chairman of the Judiciary Committee.

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