Our guest today is Philip Van Cleave. Philip has been the president of the Virginia Citizens Defense League since 2001, and is an award-winning Grassroots Activist. Philip served as a reserve deputy sheriff in Texas for 7 years, and is an NRA instructor. Philip believes in the Right to Keep and Bear Arms as a fundamental human right and is an unabashed supporter who has fought for the right to keep and bear arms for many years in Virginia and across the US. 1) The State of Virginia has a very consequential election coming up where multiple seats are up for the vote. Talk to us about who is up for election this year? 2) Should gun owners in Virginia take advantage of new early voting laws? 3) What’s at stake in the elections? 4) What is the VCDL agenda for the next legislative session? 5) The VCDL organizes the biggest 2A Rally in the nation. Do you have another Rally scheduled for 2022?

GunFreedomRadio EP351 Virginia Election Alert with Philip Van Cleave

GunFreedomRadio EP351 Virginia Election Alert with Philip Van Cleave – Originally Aired 10.27.21


Our guest today is Philip Van Cleave. Philip has been the president of the Virginia Citizens Defense League since 2001, and is an award-winning Grassroots Activist.

Philip served as a reserve deputy sheriff in Texas for 7 years, and is an NRA instructor. Philip believes in the Right to Keep and Bear Arms as a fundamental human right and is an unabashed supporter who has fought for the right to keep and bear arms for many years in Virginia and across the US.

1) The State of Virginia has a very consequential election coming up where multiple seats are up for the vote. Talk to us about who is up for election this year?

2) Should gun owners in Virginia take advantage of new early voting laws?

3) What’s at stake in the elections?

4) What is the VCDL agenda for the next legislative session?

5) The VCDL organizes the biggest 2A Rally in the nation. Do you have another Rally scheduled for 2022?

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