Our guest today is Julie Wentz. Julie is the co-founder of Arizona Stands Up!, which is a non-profit organization consisting of patriots and leaders standing against the current unlawful government-imposed state of emergency/executive orders, closure of businesses and mask mandates due to Covid-19 restrictions. People have the personal right to decide their healthcare directive and how to manage their own lives and livelihoods, and the government overreach has gone too far, and Julie and the members of AZ Stands Up believe that it will take legal action to stop the state and local government leaders from infringing further. 1) How did Arizona Stands Up get started? 2) What made you personally want to create this movement? 3) What were the original goals for Arizona Stands Up and what are current/ future goals?

GunFreedomRadio EP309 Standing Up with Julie Wentz

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Arizona Stands Up! She is an advocate for Arizona in regard to standing up against the unconstitutional state lock down and mask mandates. People have the personal right to decide their healthcare directive and how to manage their own lives and livelihoods.  The government overreach has gone too far, and it will take legal action to stop the state and local government leaders from infringing further.  Her non-profit ARIZONA STANDS UP! will be filing legal action against the state of emergency/shut down and mask mandates in Arizona.  It is time to give Arizonans back their lives and “right to breathe free”.

Julie has an extensive background in marketing and management in big box retail management, senior living communities and technology start-ups, along with decades of event management. She received her bachelor’s at Oregon State University and spent six months in Vienna Austria at the University of Vienna obtaining her International Business degree. She is also respite Foster Parent for the west valley in Arizona.

VIDEO: Watch this message from Julie

WHAT IS AZ Stands Up?:

We are a 501(c)4 non-profit organization consisting of patriots and leaders standing against the current unlawful government-imposed state of emergency/executive orders, closure of businesses and mask mandates due to Covid-19 restrictions.

We have no personal agenda other than to stand up for Arizonans, their constitutional rights to keep businesses open and their choice to wear a mask or not. We will advocate for the people, educate on constitutional and God-given natural rights, and initiate action.

Our God-given natural freedoms were decreed by our founding fathers, to be protected and secured by our government, through the Constitution. It has been fought for by heroic servicemen and women throughout history. We wish to keep up this fight to restore the freedoms we have recently lost.  We are an alliance defending freedom and we will continue to fight diligently beyond this Covid-19 battle.

GunFreedomRadio EP309 Standing Up with Julie Wentz – Originally Aired 5.24.21


Our guest today is Julie Wentz. Julie is the co-founder of Arizona Stands Up!, which is a non-profit organization consisting of patriots and leaders standing against the current unlawful government-imposed state of emergency/executive orders, closure of businesses and mask mandates due to Covid-19 restrictions.

People have the personal right to decide their healthcare directive and how to manage their own lives and livelihoods, and the government overreach has gone too far, and Julie and the members of AZ Stands Up believe that it will take legal action to stop the state and local government leaders from infringing further.

1) How did Arizona Stands Up get started?

2) What made you personally want to create this movement?

3) What were the original goals for Arizona Stands Up and what are current/ future goals?

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