Our guest today is Stephen D Powell. Stephen is an Air Force veteran with more than 18 years of combined federal, military & civilian law enforcement experience. Powell has been teaching professionally for over 25+years as a firearms Instructor for numerous organizations and agencies. His company, Patriot Outdoors, Inc, has been operational in the defensive training industry since 2004, starting a thousand acre training facility located in Eastern New Mexico. Patriot has provided crucial and relevant firearms training to DOD and SOCOM, state and local law enforcement and armed citizen students. Powell has also created a new outlet for his experience and passion by creating "The GunLife Coach™", which is an educational & motivational approach to helping others in life and on the range. 1) Can you talk to us about the importance of training and why you are so passionate about it? 2) How do you stay motivated in life? - "Evolving Our Skills" and "Evolving Ourselves". 3) Where did the idea for The GunLife Coach™ come from? 4) How did you get started in the Gun Industry?

GunFreedomRadio EP304 The GunLife Coach with Stephen D Powell

GunFreedomRadio EP304 The GunLife Coach with Stephen D Powell – Originally Aired 5.12.21


Our guest today is Stephen D Powell. Stephen is an Air Force veteran with more than 18 years of combined federal, military & civilian law enforcement experience. Powell has been teaching professionally for over 25+years as a firearms Instructor for numerous organizations and agencies.

His company, Patriot Outdoors, Inc, has been operational in the defensive training industry since 2004, starting a thousand acre training facility located in Eastern New Mexico. Patriot has provided crucial and relevant firearms training to DOD and SOCOM, state and local law enforcement and armed citizen students.

Powell has also created a new outlet for his experience and passion by creating “The GunLife Coach™”, which is an educational & motivational approach to helping others in life and on the range.

1) Can you talk to us about the importance of training and why you are so passionate about it?

2) How do you stay motivated in life?

– “Evolving Our Skills” and “Evolving Ourselves”.

3) Where did the idea for The GunLife Coach™ come from?

4) How did you get started in the Gun Industry?

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