Our guests today are US! Our co-hosts, Danny and Cheryl Todd, discuss whether or not our Senators and other "Leaders" can be trusted to implement new and even more restrictive laws over firearms and those who own them. We recently witnessed the trial of an American Citizen where seated Senators actively manufactured and doctored evidence to be used against that Citizen. These are some of the same people who want to bring forth Red Flag Gun Laws, Universal Background Checks, prohibitive and discriminatory taxes and fees, and other means to separate American Citizens from their Second Amendment Rights to keep and bear arms. Dan and Cheryl discuss both HR127 and HR30. Under HR127 the "Leaders" who have written and sponsored would: Establish a publicly-searchable gun registry containing your most private information Require you to petition an anti-gun Attorney General for a "license" to possess firearms & ammunition Further force you to obtain "firearms insurance" from the federal government at a cost of $800 PER YEAR Ban numerous rifles, AR pistols, shotguns, .50 (or greater) ammo, and any magazine with a capacity of over 10 rounds Slap gun owners with mandatory minimum prison sentences and fines for so-called 'violations' of this proposed legislation Submit to a psychological examination to determine your mental fitness to own guns And even have your family members, including your spouse - or even FORMER SPOUSE - interviewed about you (Source https://www.firearmspolicy.org/stop_hr_127) Under HR30 the "Leaders" including "Illinois Democrat Bobby Rush, as the main sponsor of this bill, which purports to crack down on illegal gun trafficking, however bill is so badly written that it could pose huge legal problems for organizers of JROTC and 4H shooting leagues, as well as summer camps and Scouting organizations that teach marksmanship to young shooters. As well as criminalize simply being a transfer agency  or counter worker at a gun store. This bill, were it to become law, would provide an easy way for the Biden administration to turn millions of ordinary, law-abiding gunowners into federal felons — which of course is (seemingly) the point." (Source https://bearingarms.com/patrick-richardson/2021/02/11/gun-trafficking-cripple-legal-market-n40310)

GunFreedomRadio EP285 How Far Can They Go? with Danny & Cheryl Todd

Segment Guest List

AZFirearmsAuctions.com, Pot Of Gold Estate Auctions, and owner & Co-Host of the Gun Freedom Radio Podcast.  In addition to her businesses, Cheryl also volunteers her time on a variety of Boards of Directors.  Cheryl has nearly 40 years of experience in business and holds degrees in Psychology which allows her to bring a unique voice to Family Business and the Firearms Industry.

A wife of nearly 40 years, mother, and grandmother, Cheryl speaks to the value of her 2nd Amendment Rights through the lens of self-protection and instilling those values in the generations to come.


  • National Speaker – Emcee – Panel-Moderator – Guest Commentator – Published Contributor
    • The Second Amendment Foundation National Gun Rights Policy Conference
    • The National Shooting Sports Foundation Industry Summit
    • The DC Project in our Nation’s Capital
    • The Second Amendment Institute Defending Freedom Action Summit
    • The NRA Women’s Leadership Forum
    • The Western Conservative Conference
    • The Heller 10th Anniversary Celebration at the United States Supreme Court
    • The Well Armed Woman National Leadership Conference
    • The Arizona Citizens Defense League Annual Meeting
    • The Arizona State Rifle & Pistol Association Annual Conference
    • Writes feature articles for multiple publications


  • Supports
    • FASTER Saves Lives
    • Refuse To Be A Victim
    • Eddie Eagle
    • Project ChildSafe
    • Walk the Talk America

Cheryl is a lifetime member of the NRA, the ASRPA, the AzCDL, and supports other organizations such as Refuse To Be A Victim, Child Safe, The Eddie Eagle Program and The Armed Women of America. Hosting the weekly Gun Freedom Radio Podcast is an extension of that desire to educate and engage and make gun-related topics and issues accessible and easy to understand by separating the facts from the hype.

Both personally and through their businesses, Cheryl and her husband Danny, support a variety of organizations including the 100 Club of AZ, Soldier’s Best Friend, United Goodyear Firefighters Charities, Avondale Police Association Charities, Shriners Children’s Hospital, AZ DPS Special Olympics, and the Homeless Youth Connection (HYC) to name a few. Cheryl and Danny are service-driven in all that they do, and have been recognized with Community Service Awards for having conducted fundraising efforts for individual local First Responders in need.

Cheryl is a sought after Speaker and Panel-Moderator at both the local and national level. Cheryl has been an invited speaker at the National Gun Rights Policy Conference and the NSSF Industry Summit, Women For Gun Rights in our Nation’s Capitol, as well as appearing on various local news outlets and C-Span.

Contact Cheryl at Cheryl@GunFreedomRadio.com

AZFirearmsAuctions, Pot of Gold Estate Liquidations, LLC, and Arizona Pinball & Arcade Distributors (AZPAAD).

Along with Cheryl Todd, his wife of nearly 40 years, Danny co-hosts the Gun Freedom Radio Podcast.

A self-described serial-entrepreneur, and throughout his career Danny has owned businesses as varied as a Slot Machine Store, Antique & Coin Shop, and an Auction House, in addition to the Biggest Little Gun Shop in Arizona: AZFirearms. Danny is an expert gunsmith and has a lifetime of knowledge of dealing in firearms, coins, and coin-op machines of every era.

GunFreedomRadio EP285 How Far Can They Go? with Danny & Cheryl Todd – Originally Aired 2.24.21


Our guests today are US!

Our co-hosts, Danny and Cheryl Todd, discuss whether or not our Senators and other “Leaders” can be trusted to implement new and even more restrictive laws over firearms and those who own them.

We recently witnessed the trial of an American Citizen where seated Senators actively manufactured and doctored evidence to be used against that Citizen. These are some of the same people who want to bring forth Red Flag Gun Laws, Universal Background Checks, prohibitive and discriminatory taxes and fees, and other means to separate American Citizens from their Second Amendment Rights to keep and bear arms.

Dan and Cheryl discuss both HR127 and HR30.

Under HR127 the “Leaders” who have written and sponsored would:

Under HR30 the “Leaders” including “Illinois Democrat Bobby Rush, as the main sponsor of this bill, which purports to crack down on illegal gun trafficking, however bill is so badly written that it could pose huge legal problems for organizers of JROTC and 4H shooting leagues, as well as summer camps and Scouting organizations that teach marksmanship to young shooters. As well as criminalize simply being a transfer agency  or counter worker at a gun store. This bill, were it to become law, would provide an easy way for the Biden administration to turn millions of ordinary, law-abiding gunowners into federal felons — which of course is (seemingly) the point.” (Source https://bearingarms.com/patrick-richardson/2021/02/11/gun-trafficking-cripple-legal-market-n40310)


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