Our guest today is Serena Juchnowski. Serena is a competitive shooter, hunter, and outdoor writer and photographer from Richfield, Ohio. Serena started shooting when she was in 8th grade and started competing in high power service rifle in 2015. Since that time, she has dedicated herself to pursuing a career in the outdoor industry and to introducing and mentoring people in the outdoors. Especially with women, it seems that people always want to know how nice people like us ended up being involved in guns. So let’s dive into your personal journey into the world of firearms. What is your driving passion? Are you a pro-2a-Rights Advocate? Did you experience any bias at University? #1) How has the outdoor lifestyle and your activities changed your life? Have they had any notable effects? #2) What do you hope to accomplish through your writing? #3) Topic: introducing juniors, mentoring people in the outdoors #4) What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced/are facing? #5) How did you become a writer?

GunFreedomRadio EP218 Mentoring the Next Generation with Serena Juchnowski

GunFreedomRadio EP218 Mentoring the Next Generation with Serena Juchnowski – Originally Aired 6.29.20



Our guest today is Serena Juchnowski. Serena is a competitive shooter, hunter, and outdoor writer and photographer from Richfield, Ohio.

Serena started shooting when she was in 8th grade and started competing in high power service rifle in 2015. Since that time, she has dedicated herself to pursuing a career in the outdoor industry and to introducing and mentoring people in the outdoors.

Especially with women, it seems that people always want to know how nice people like us ended up being involved in guns. So let’s dive into your personal journey into the world of firearms. What is your driving passion? Are you a pro-2a-Rights Advocate? Did you experience any bias at University?

  1. How has the outdoor lifestyle and your activities changed your life? Have they had any notable effects?
  2. What do you hope to accomplish through your writing?
  3. Topic: introducing juniors, mentoring people in the outdoors
  4. What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced/are facing?
  5. How did you become a writer?

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