Theme: Defining Definitions: What Exactly Is A Gun?
Hour 1: Dan & Cheryl Todd – Helping make sense of the terminology and lingo connected to firearms. Once you understand the correct words and that each term is a descriptor (describing aspects of the tools) you will be a well-informed listener and a discerning consumer of news, and you’ll start to hear how UN-informed the politicians are and how UN-intelligent the media reports actually are.
Hour 2: Dan & Cheryl Todd – Continuing the discussion about what IS a gun, why the names that you hear tossed around on social media and in the news are often laughably incorrect. We aren’t here to make fun, we are here to clarify, but once you are clear you can’t help but giggle a little at some of the stuff you hear people say when they don’t really understand the tool they are trying to speak authoritatively about.
Responsibly Armed Citizen Report
Dan’s Tip Of The Week