Unintended Consequences of “Common Sense” Gun Laws, by Cheryl Todd

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Gun Freedom Radio’s Co-Host, Cheryl Todd, writes a regular monthly article under “The Flame” on Women’s Outdoor News (WON). The following blog article titled “Unintended Consequences of “Common Sense” Gun Laws.”

Women are a driving force for public opinion and policy in our nation.  Women are also the fastest growing segment of firearms owners of the American population.  Women train for safety, women teach firearms education classes, and women are among those who enjoy hunting and the outdoors. However, some women are also behind a recent organized March to protest gun ownership and specifically the Gun-Rights Protection efforts of the NRA.

With all of this Nikki Goeserseeming contradictory information about women and gun ownership, I reached out to a woman who is a survivor of a deadly crime in a gun-free zone where she lost her husband at the hands of a man who had been stalking her every movement. Naturally, we might expect that this woman would be against gun ownership.  After all, who would be more against guns than a woman whose husband was murdered by “gun violence?”  In the instance of Nikki Goeser, she wants to empower responsible gun ownership and do away with these so-called “Gun-Free Zones” that she believes contributed to the set of circumstances that led to her husband’s murder.

Nikki  Goeser is the author of “Denied A Chance: How Gun Control Helped a Stalker Murder My Husband.”  She is also the 2012 recipient of the NRA’s Sybil Ludington Women’s Freedom Award for her dedication in educating the public, media and legislators on the importance of the 2nd amendment.

Cheryl Todd: You are a passionate defender of our Constitutional Freedoms.  Those freedoms were denied to you on a terrible and fateful night back in 2009, when a man who was stalking you murdered your husband…with a gun…in a “Gun Free Zone.”  You wrote about this experience in your book titled “Denied A Chance: How Gun Control Helped a Stalker Murder My Husband.  And then you set out to change the laws that had left you and your husband defenseless.  Tell us about the measures you took?

Nikki: I contacted the Senate sponsor of the Tennessee Restaurant Carry Bill, Senator Doug Jackson, soon after I lost my husband Ben. I relayed to the Senator what I had gone through and expressed my support for my right to carry.  He was kind enough to share my story and have me present with him on the Senate floor before the vote. The bill was passed that day. It is now law.  I also testified before the Senate and House in Ohio in favor of their own Restaurant Carry Bill. This bill also passed and became law.  I provided written testimony which was shared and taken into consideration in the North Carolina Legislature.  I have continued to travel around the nation educating the public on the importance of our 2nd amendment and the dangers of gun free zones.

Cheryl Todd:  You have continued your efforts to protect and restore our Constitutional Freedoms by joining with a group of women from all over America, called The DC Project.  You were recently in Washington, DC as the TN Delegate of this effort that brings 50 women, one from each state, together annually in our nation’s capital.  Please tell us about your experience? Nikki Goeser 8.1.17

Nikki: I was able to share my experience with Legislators and their Staff, from different parts of the country, including my home state of Tennessee. It was a great experience working together with so many women who truly believe in the basic human right of self-defense and educating others alongside them.

Cheryl Todd:  National Reciprocity is a term that we are hearing more and more about.  Can you help us better understand what this is, and how it will help citizens regain some very important freedoms?…(READ ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE)

Article originally published on 8.1.17 and has been reposted on Gun Freedom Radio Blog with permission.

To learn more about the author of this article, Cheryl Todd.

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