Gun Freedom Radio’s Guest List

Guests We’ve Had On GFR – These are in order of Most-Recent to Oldest, and the date on each one is hyperlinked & cued up to the starting point in the exact segment of each guest.

These are numbered ONLY so you can connect them with the photos (below)…(please do not use the numbers on the website. )

#28) Polite Society Podcast: Paul Lathrop, Rob Morse, Gary Daugherty, John Richardson (Listen Ep13: Nov 21, 2015)

#27) Scott & Dimi Johnson: Parents & Guns: Retired Military, Firearms Trainer, Parents (Listen Ep 13: Nov 21, 2015)

#26) Alan Korwin: Bloomfield Press (Listen Ep 12: Nov 14, 2015)

#25) Greg Hopkins, Author of “A Time To Kill: The Myth Of Christian Pacifism” (Listen Ep 12: Nov 14, 2015)

#24) John Marshall, Author of “101 Classic Firearms” & Blue Press Contributor (Listen Ep 12: Nov 14, 2015)

#23) Rob Morse: Slow Facts Blog & Polite Society Podcast (Listen Ep 11: Nov 7, 2015)

#22) Oscar Navarro & Gilbert Aguirre: Goodyear Firefighters (Listen Ep 11: Nov 7, 2015)

#21) Bethany Mullen, RTBAV Program Coordinator (Listen Ep 10: Oct 31, 2015)

#20) Barbara Baird, Owner / Publisher Women’s Outdoor News (Listen Ep 10: Oct 31, 2015)

#19) Frank Mercy, NRA Certified Firearms Instructor (Listen Ep 10: Oct 31, 2015)

#18) Bill Perkins, Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation (Listen Ep10: Oct 31, 2015)

#17) Marianne Johnson, Eddie Eagle Program Coordinator (Listen Ep 10: Oct 31, 2015)

#16) Lars Dalseide, NRA-ILA, and former producer of NRA News (Listen Ep 9: Oct 24, 2015)

#15) Dr Robert Young, Doctors For Responsible Gun Ownership (Listen Ep 9: Oct 24, 2015)

#14) Liston Matthews, Blogger Knox Gun Guy (Listen Ep 9: Oct 24, 2015)

#13) Dr Buck Montgomery – Former Disney Animator & Hollywood Stuntman: Wild Western Festival & Dr Buck Productions (Listen Ep 8: Oct 17, 2015)

#12) Joe Eaton of (Listen Ep 7: Oct 10, 2015)

#11) Dr. John Edeen of Doctors For Responsible Gun Ownership (Listen Ep 7: Oct 10, 2015)

#10) Chris Bird, Author of “Thank God I Had A Gun” (Listen Ep 7: Oct 10, 2015)

#9) Dave Kopp: AZCDL – Arizona Citizens Defense League (Listen Ep 6: Oct 3, 2015)

#8) Rick Young & Colin Day of Honor (Listen Ep 6: Oct 3, 2015)

#7) Carrie Lightfoot of The Well Armed Woman (Listen Ep 5: Sept 26, 2015)

#6) Sharon Knutson-Felix of 100 Club AZ (Listen Ep 4: Sept 19, 2015)

#5) Alan Gottlieb of Second Amendment Foundation (Listen Ep4: Sept 19, 2015)

#4) Todd Jostes: National Academy Of Outdoor Survival & Into The Wilderness AZ (Listen Ep3: Sept 12, 2015)

#3) Judy Rhodes: DIVA WOW (Listen Ep2: Sept 5, 2015)

#2) Kenn Blanchard: Blackman With A Gun (Listen Ep1: Aug 29, 2015)

#1) Todd Jostes: National Academy Of Outdoor Survival & Into The Wilderness AZ (Listen Ep1: Aug 29, 2015)


#1) Todd Jostes


Todd Jostes National Academy of Outdoor Survival Into the Wilderness AZ

Todd Jostes National Academy of Outdoor Survival Into the Wilderness AZ

#2) Kenn Blanchard

Kenn Blanchard Author Black Man With A Gun

Kenn Blanchard Author Black Man With A Gun


#3) Judy Rhodes

Judy Rhodes DIVA WOW

Judy Rhodes DIVA WOW


#4)Todd Jostes (Use same photo as in #1)

Todd Jostes National Academy of Outdoor Survival Into the Wilderness AZ

Todd Jostes National Academy of Outdoor Survival Into the Wilderness AZ

#5) Alan Gottlieb

Alan Gottlieb of  the Second Amendment Foundation

Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment Foundation

#6) Sharon Knutson-Felix

Sharon Knutson Felis of  the 100 Club of Arizona

Sharon Knutson Felis of the 100 Club of Arizona

#7) Carrie Lightfoot

Carrie Lightfoot of The Well Armed Woman

Carrie Lightfoot of The Well Armed Woman

#8) Rick Young & Colin Day / Honor Walk

Iraq Colin Day -- Colin Day (cq), Iraq War Veteran, looks out the window past his old uniform in his house in Phoenix, AZ on March 6, 2013.  Patrick Breen/ The Republic

Iraq Colin Day — Colin Day (cq), Iraq War Veteran, looks out the window past his old uniform in his house in Phoenix, AZ on March 6, 2013. Patrick Breen/ The Republic

Arizona Honor Walk

Arizona Honor Walk


#9) Dave Kopp

Dave Kopp AZCDL Arizona Citizens Defense League

Dave Kopp AZCDL Arizona Citizens Defense League

#10) Chris Bird

Chris Baird Author of Thank God I Had A Gun

Chris Baird Author of Thank God I Had A Gun

#11) Dr John Edeen

Dr. John Edeen of Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership

Dr. John Edeen of Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership

#12) Joe Eaton  / Faster Saves Lives

Joe Eaton of Faster Saves Lives

Joe Eaton of Faster Saves Lives

#13) Dr Buck Montgomery

Dr. Buck Montgomery Former Disney Animator and Hollywood Stuntman

Dr. Buck Montgomery Former Disney Animator and Hollywood Stuntman

#14) Liston Matthews

Liston Mathews Blogger  Knox Gun Guy

Liston Mathews Blogger Knox Gun Guy

#15) Dr Robert Young

Dr. Rober Young of Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership

Dr. Rober Young of Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership

#16) Lars Dalseide / NRA-ILA

Lars Daleside of the NRA - ILA and Producer of NRA News

Lars Daleside of the NRA – ILA and Producer of NRA News

#17) Marianne Johnson, Eddie Eagle Program Coordinator

#18) Bill Perkins

#19) Frank Mercy


#20) Barbara Baird


#21) Bethany Mullen


#22) Oscar Navarro & Gilbert Aguirre: Goodyear Firefighters


#23) Rob Morse


#24) John Marshall


#25) Greg Hopkins


#26) Alan Korwin


#27) Scott & Dimi Johnson / Parents, Kids & Guns (I swiped this photo from online, so please be sure you give credit for the img source:


#28) Polite Society Podcast: Paul Lathrop, Rob Morse, Gary Daugherty, John Richardson

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