Our Guests: Victoria Snitsar Churchill

Victoria Snitsar Churchill, American Liberty News
Victoria Snitsar Churchill

About Victoria Snitsar Churchill

Victoria Snitsar Churchill is an American Journalist and Commentator, who loves Freedom and Firearms.

Victoria is a writer and editor at American Liberty News and The Republican Standard, where she produces prolific coverage on news of the day, with expert analysis on political developments and gun rights. Her writing has been featured in many online publications, including The Washington Examiner, The American Conservative, Forbes, Real Clear Markets, The Daily Signal, Campus Reform, and The Daily Torch.

As an undergraduate at the University of Kansas, Victoria appeared in media outlets such as CBS News, TIME Magazine, The Washington Post Magazine, The Blaze, and NRATV.

A proud immigrant and naturalized U.S. citizen, Victoria has held paid and volunteer roles in numerous conservative grassroots efforts, and is active to this day in Republican groups at all levels, serving as the Chairman of the Arlington Falls Church Young Republicans and the Virginia Committeewoman on the Young Republican National Committee. After moving eleven times in six years, Victoria resides in Arlington, Virginia, and enjoys overpriced brunch on Sundays with her husband.

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