Our Guests: Tiffany Johnson

Tiffany Johnson
Tiffany Johnson

About Tiffany Johnson

Tiffany Johnson is a lawyer and a freelance legal writer. She teaches Legal Studies at her local university, and she blogs and offers instructional design and web design services for firearms trainers through her website, FrontSightPress.com.

Tiffany is a “late bloomer” who underwent a 180-degree-conversion in the world of firearms. She grew up subscribing to common fears and misconceptions about guns and gun owners. After college, she reluctantly enrolled in a Rangemaster handgun safety course, and she was hooked. Nearly eighteen years later, she has now taken every course that RFTS has to offer.

Ever since a gun safety class converted her thinking on firearms back in 2001, Tiffany Johnson has been trained and mentored by Tom and Lynn Givens of Rangemaster. She is now an NRA Training Counselor and teaches handgun classes with Citizens Safety Academy in Tennessee. In the world of Second Amendment advocacy, Tiffany’s passion is diversity and apolitical training and education. She has spoken on this topic before the United Nations, the World Forum on Shooting Activities, and several training conferences across the nation, and she now serves on the NRA Outreach Committee.

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