Our Guests: Sheli Walters of Females with Firearms

Sheli Walters Everything Under the Gun
Sheli Walters of Females with Firearms

About Sheli Walters of Females with Firearms

Sheli Walters is the owner of Females with Firearms and EverythingUnderTheGun that both operate on four basic tenants.

1) Life is valuable and worth protecting.
2) Freedom is valuable and worth defending.
3) Personal responsibility is valuable and worth embracing.
4) Truth is valuable and worth speaking.

She’s been married for 20 years to her high school sweetheart, Justin Walters, and they have 4 beautiful children together.

Sheli and her family are fulltime boondock RVers who’s home is a paintball spattered toy hauler, towed by an old, beat up Ford truck. All her passions – from the beginning of life to the end of it – have to do with faith, freedom, personal responsibility and the beauty to be found throughout the journey.

Her other Social Media pages include Freedom of Education, Mundane Beautiful (her creative outlet), and Leviathan & Parsonage (her family’s personal journey).

Shows Featuring Sheli Walters of Females with Firearms


Places you can find Sheli Walters of Females with Firearms

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