Our Guests: Shane Krauser

Shane Krauser, United Patriots of Arizona
Shane Krauser

About Shane Krauser

Shane Krauser is a prominent conservative activist, attorney, and the founder of the United Patriots of Arizona (UPA), an organization focused on promoting constitutional values, individual liberties, and limited government.

Through his work with UPA, Krauser advocates for the protection of Second Amendment rights, a strict interpretation of the U.S. Constitution, and the defense of American sovereignty.

As a public speaker and writer, he is an outspoken critic of government overreach and political correctness, frequently addressing topics related to personal freedom, civic responsibility, and the importance of preserving American ideals.

~Shane Krauser is arguably the most dynamic speaker and educator on liberty and the U.S. Constitution.
~Trial attorney for 14 years (prosecutor and criminal defense attorney)
~Taught Constitutional Law at two different Arizona colleges.
~Taught at the Phoenix and Glendale police academies.
~Radio talk show host for three years.
~Toured and shared the stage with Glenn Beck for 18 months.
~Testified in front of U.S. Congress.
~Over 3000 speaking engagements on liberty around the world, including Mexico, Peru, and Canada.
~Author of three books, including The AZ Gun Owner’s Guide 2025
~Runs Veritas Debate Academy (homeschool venture)
~Married to an amazing wife and together they have six children.

Shows Featuring Shane Krauser


Places you can find Shane Krauser

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