Our Guests: Sean Maloney

Sean Maloney 4.18.18
Sean Maloney

About Sean Maloney

Sean Maloney is a passionate defender of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. He is serving as a current NRA board member and has been re-nominated by the Nominating Committee for re-election. He is a NRA Benefactor Life Member as well.

Sean has been a hunter since childhood and is a popular speaker known for motivating others to stand and fight for our rights.

As a “roll-up-his-sleeves” activist, Sean is a recipient of the NRA Jay M. Littlefield Volunteer of the Year Award.

Sean is a defense attorney and member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers who practices in all areas of firearm-related law, including 2nd Amendment rights, criminal defense, federal and state restoration of gun rights, and federal NICS appeals. He has appeared as an expert witness in a variety of civil lawsuits related to firearms.  Sean is a nationally renowned speaker on topics related to Self Defense; Lethal Force and the Law; Civil Rights and the Second Amendment.

As a member of the NRA Board of Directors assigned to Training & Education, Public Policy, Jean E. Bray Scholarship, and Grassroots Committees; NRA-ILA Election Volunteer Coordinator; Chairman of the Butler County Friends of NRA Committee, a multi-discipline Certified NRA Instructor, NRA Golden Eagle Benefactor Life Member, Leader and Legal Counsel with the award-winning Buckeye Firearms Association; Director of Faculty Administrator Safety Training Emergency Response, F.A.S.T.E.R., in Ohio.

As a Leader of Buckeye Firearms Association, Sean has been traveling throughout Ohio, and the United States; meeting with School Boards, and assisting them in implementing F.A.S.T.E.R.  A program launched by Buckeye Firearms Foundation to provide “active killer” training to teachers and administrators. Sean Maloney serves as legal counsel for Buckeye Firearms Association.

Sean is a recipient of the Jay M. Littlefield Memorial Volunteer of the Year Award, an annual honor recognizing one NRA member each year who demonstrates exceptional activism in defense of our Second Amendment rights. And for his meritorious efforts as an Election Volunteer Coordinator, Sean has been inducted into the NRA-ILA EVC Hall of Fame.

Sean is also co-founder of Second Call Defense (www.SecondCallDefense.org), a national organization that provides complete legal protection for armed self-defense, with thousands of members in all 50 states. Membership benefits include criminal, civil, and accident insurance backed by the NRA endorsed insurance program, administered by Lockton Affinity, LLC.

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