Our Guests: Robert Mansell

Robert Mansell

About Robert Mansell

Robert Mansell is a lifelong NRA member, outdoorsman, and hunter. Robert is a candidate for the 2017 NRA Board of Directors.

As the previous Chairman of the Arizona Game and Fish Department Commission, Robert recognizes that many of the challenges that currently face the NRA are the same as those that face the wildlife agency in which he served. Robert believes that for both organizations, our foremost concern must be upon what we have to pass on to the next generations – not only the skills and privileges of outdoorsmanship and firearm ownership, but the values that go with the way of life entailed by those skills and privileges.

Robert’s resume includes:

Experience as school super intendant

Time on GF Commission

NRA experience, life member since 1984

FFL holder 40 years

Current FFL/ NFA Manufactured

Firearm collector

Youth advocate

Shows Featuring Robert Mansell


Places you can find Robert Mansell

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