Our Guests: Rick Vasquez

Rick Vasquez
Rick Vasquez

About Rick Vasquez

Rick Vasquez is a United States Government Certified firearms classification expert who has represented the United States government as their firearms technical representative to other nations. 

With over 40 years distinguished performance in all aspects of firearms training including assisting special agents in complex criminal investigations and enforcement operations, Rick has designed, developed and delivered law enforcement training for domestic and international audiences. Over his career Rick has delivered firearms identification and use of training to INTERPOL, Australian Crime Commission, all Central American countries, extensively in Mexico and throughout the United States ( to name a few).

Rick reached the rank of Master Sargent in his 21 years with the USMC, was employed by Diplomatic Security Service and finished my government service with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Currently, Rick not only provides firearms classification expertise but also assists both foreign and domestic governments in firearms origin, functionality, and importability. 

Rick is a certified firearms instructor and provides training in advance firearms techniques and provides consultations on security protocols and provides training in these protocols.

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