Our Guests: Olivia Nalos Opre

Olivia Nalos Opre 08.20.16
Olivia Nalos Opre

About Olivia Nalos Opre

Olivia Nalos Opre

Olivia’s greatest passion is to educate the public about the important role hunters’ play as stewards of nature and humanitarians. Because of her sincere appreciation for wildlife, and enthusiasm to help promote conservation, she is involved in the hunting industry in many capacities. She is a full-time international hunting, fishing & adventure consultant for World of Hunting Adventure, alongside her husband Tom, Olivia is the co-host of Eye of The Hunter™, co-owner and judge for the Extreme Huntress™ challenge and is an active measurer for Boone & Crockett, Pope & Young, Rowland Ward, and a Master Measurer Instructor for SCI. Through these outlets she is able to reach the masses t o help preserve our great outdoor hunting heritage.
As the 2003 Mrs. Nebraska, America her platform was to promote the importance of hunters as conservationists, humanitarians and stewards of renewable wildlife resources. With such a controversial platform she understood that criticism and adverse reaction would result, but remained eager to provide factual insight on a topic where the truth is often distorted.
But she’s more stalk than talk; she is a serious huntress, hunting big game & dangerous game in Benin, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Argentina, Mongolia, France, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, New Zealand, Mexico, Canada, and throughout the United States. She has hunted more than 90 unique species -from red stag to Cape buffalo and many animals in between. Needless to say, she has been there and done that making her a compelling advocate for the hunting industry. Subsequently, Safari Club International named her the 2014 Diana Award winner -the most prestigious accomplishment bestowed upon a woman hunter.

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