Our Guests: Michael Findlay

Michael Findlay NSSF
Michael Findlay

About Michael Findlay

Michael Findlay is the Director of Government Relations for the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF).
As the trade association for America’s firearm, ammunition, hunting, and recreational shooting
sports industry, the National Shooting Sports Foundation seeks to promote, protect,
and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. NSSF has a membership of more than 9,000
manufacturers, distributors, firearm retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations and
endemic media outlets, including more than 300 members in Arizona alone.
Our manufacturer members make the firearms used by law-abiding Arizona sportsmen, the U.S.
military and law enforcement agencies throughout the state and country.
The NSSF Government Relations team advocates for measures on behalf of and works in defense of the firearms and ammunition industry at all levels and before all branches of government. We determine threats or benefits to the industry, develop strategies to address those activities and act through lobbying, grassroots advocacy and public affairs efforts.

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