Our Guests: Lucretia Free

Lucretia Free

About Lucretia Free

Lucretia Free is a mom, a small business owner, and publisher of The American Woman Shooter Magazine. Lucretia has been serving the needs of southeast Pima County, AZ for over 20 years and is running for US Congress in the 2022 Election.
Prior to moving to Tucson (in the early 90’s) Lucretia was one of the first marketing directors for large corporate law firms in the country. In 2001 she moved to AZ with her family and founded The Vail Voice, the hometown newspaper for SE Tucson, Vail and Corona de Tucson. Whenever residents are surveyed, The Vail Voice is consistently recognized as the primary news source for the area.
Lucretia also founded the South East Regional Council (modeled after the Green Valley Council). She has served as chair of the Pima County Small Business Commission, and the Pima County Transportation Advisory Committee. She is proud to have been the Southeast Representative for Pima County Supervisor Steve Christy and to have received his endorsement for Congress.

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