Our Guests: Kym Zadrozny

Kymberly Zadrozny of Faith Protect
Kym Zadrozny

About Kym Zadrozny

Kym Zadrozny is a successful businesswoman and proud mother of two. She has worked for a leading Fortune 500 company and created three successful start-ups on her own. Kym received an undergraduate degree in business from Adrian College and a graduate degree in business from Central Michigan.

Kym’s personal experience with harassment and assault motivated her to take a stand for mature women (50 years of age and older) who are targets of domestic abuse, physical and sexual assault, harassment, and threats.

Kym’s goal is to help educate and empower older women in the areas of security awareness, self-defense, gun safety and training, and strategies to avoid becoming a victim of abuse.

She is a US Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) Certified Instructor with a focus on Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals and Defensive Shooting Fundamentals.  Trainer for STOP THE BLEED and a member of the ACSN and Handgun Fundamentals. Also Weapon Cerakote Certification.


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