Our Guests: Kristy Titus

Kristy Titus 3.4.17
Kristy Titus

About Kristy Titus

Kristy Titus serves as host of NRA Women TV Tips & Tactics, is co-host of The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Team Elk Television Show, and she is launching a new digital television series called Pursue the Wild in 2017.

Additionally, she’s an ambassador for Cabela’s, Swarovski Optik, Buck Knives, Montana Silversmiths, and Wilderness Athlete. She is a hunting and nutrition editor for Western Hunter Magazine. Her greatest hope is to inspire others, giving them the confidence to tackle the most demanding outdoor activities.

Kristy is also an NRA Refuse to be a Victim and Basic Pistol Instructor.

Shows Featuring Kristy Titus


Places you can find Kristy Titus

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