Our Guests: Kenn Blanchard

Kenn Blanchard Author Black Man With A Gun
Kenn Blanchard

About Kenn Blanchard

Kenn Blanchard, Pastor, Marine, speaker, has multiple podcasts, and is Author of Black Man with a Gun

Rev. Kenneth V. Blanchard, Sr. is ordained Christian pastor, an accomplished speaker and the author of several books. He is a former US Marine and former federal police officer. He has spent almost thirty years fighting terrorism with the Central Intelligence Agency. He is an activist known internationally as the Black Man With A Gun.

As Executive Vice President of 2AO.org, a nonprofit organization that connects pro-2nd Amendment businesses with and minority communities, Kenn helps to fight the discrimination of Gun-Control policies. 2AO offers resources for business owners while welcoming and educating nontraditional shooters. 2AO’s large support base highlights its diverse community of responsible gun owners in America.

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