Jon Anderson is the Host of the Get Off My Lawn Podcast. Jon and his guests discuss various topics relevant to guns and our 2A rights, as well as other, non-gun related, topics that are important to the host. The goal of the show is to not only offer great information, but to make the listeners and viewers THINK (and seek out more info) in order to form one’s own opinion.
The Podcast is a live stream each Tuesday night at 9:00pm Central Time.
From Jon: “I grew up on a cattle ranch in (very) rural north-central Nebraska. I have always loved fishing and hunting small game but my true love is deer hunting. I’m Pro-2A, Pro-Life, and Pro-Life AMERICA.
I’m a self-proclaimed “grumpy old man” and “just a guy with a big mouth & a microphone.” I try to use my online presence as an outlet to vent my frustrations and to share my opinions, and I also like to pull people out of their comfort zones and make them use their brains.”