Our Guests: Janel Lamb

Janel Lamb, Author of Bravery and Blinders
Janel Lamb

About Janel Lamb

As the wife of the American Sheriff, Janel Lamb is focused on Faith, Family, and Freedom.

Originally from Minnesota, she has made Arizona her home since 1981. Raising 5 children and working as a hairstylist, flight attendant, and “ jack of all trades”, Janel has carved out her niche to support her husband and kept the family rolling.

She now speaks all over the country as a voice for dreaming big, even if you don’t feel like you have it “all figured out” just yet, while staying true to who you are in the process.

As a Law Enforcement and political spouse, she shares personal stories of wins and losses, spreads a message of hope,  and that we are all in this together!

Shows Featuring Janel Lamb


Places you can find Janel Lamb

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