Our Guests: Jan Morgan

Jan Morgan
Jan Morgan

About Jan Morgan

Jan Morgan is an Independent Constitutional Conservative, and often referred to as the 1st Lady of the 2nd Amendment.

Her Conservative voice has generated a following of over one million Tea Party Patriots, Libertarians, Republicans and Independents.jan-morgan-4-8-17a

Jan is a Nationally Recognized 2nd Amendment Advocate/Speaker, NRA Certified Firearms Instructor, NRA Certified Range Safety Officer, State Police Certified Concealed Carry Instructor, founder of Armed American Woman, (a national firearms training program for women) and owner of The Gun Cave Indoor Firing Range in Hot Springs. You can catch Jan weekly on Fox News/Fox Business Network as an analyst on Gun Rights issues. She has also appeared on CNN, The Blaze TV, American Family Radio Network, and hundreds of radio, television, and print media programs.

Shows Featuring Jan Morgan


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