Our Guests: Eric Hayes – Turning Point Action

Eric Hayes of Turning Point Action
Eric Hayes – Turning Point Action

About Eric Hayes – Turning Point Action

Eric Hayes is a Turning Point Action Field Representative overseeing western Arizona and the Phoenix west valley area, who started his political journey at the age of 16 as an influencer.
Eric considers himself a bridge for the everyday American and the people in politics. At just 19 years old, he ran the field for Turning Point Action in Maricopa County during the 2022 election cycle where he organized several Super Saturdays around the valley.
He began his career by doing podcasting and interviews with candidates as an ambassador for a national conservative organization. Later he decided to use his skills behind the scenes, getting involved in legislative districts and becoming a Precinct Committeeman.
Eric is a lifetime member of the NRA has been a competitive shooter since the age of 10 years old. But most importantly his faith in Jesus Christ has pushed him to get through challenges in politics and life.

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