Our Guests: Ed Monk

d Monk Founder of Last Resort Firearms Training
Ed Monk

About Ed Monk

Ed Monk is the Owner of Last Resort Firearms Training.

With experience as a law enforcement officer (LEO), schoolteacher, firearms trainer, and Army officer, Ed Monk has researched and provided training on the Active Killer threat for over 14 years. He has trained School Resource Officers and other Law Enforcement Officers, armed staffs of public schools, and church security teams on countering the Active Killer.

Ed has served as a consultant for school districts, churches, and businesses as they develop their policies, plans, and training for this threat. He has provided presentations on the Active Shooter threat to universities, schools, churches, LE & government agencies, businesses, conferences (list below), and other audiences across the country.

In 2007, Ed retired from the Army as a Lieutenant Colonel and Battalion Commander after 24 years of active duty in the US, Europe, and Iraq. He then taught high school and served as a deputy sheriff in Kentucky. He now serves as a city police officer in Arkansas. Ed’s formal education includes a BS in US History from West Point, an MS in Adult Education from Kansas State U., and he is a graduate of the US Army’s Command & General Staff College.

Ed has been a featured speaker on the Active Killer topic at the below conferences

-Tactical Conference 2018-2022

-International Law Enforcement Educators & Trainers Association (ILEETA) Conference 2021-2022

-Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) Conference 2020

-Lethal Force Conference 2021-2022

-National Safe Schools Conference 2021

-USCCA Conference 2021

-Arkansas Healthcare Association Conference 2022

-Wyoming SRO Association Safe Schools Conference 2022 (keynote speaker)

-Faith Based Security Network Conference 2022

Shows Featuring Ed Monk


Places you can find Ed Monk

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