Dr. Jenn Stankus is an emergency physician, attorney, military veteran serving as an Airborne Army JAG officer and a military judge, former law enforcement, and is now Reality TV Star.
She has competed on American Ninja Warrior Military Edition, and was a top contestant in Surviving Mann Seasons 1 and 2, is the Host of Surviving Mann the Aftermath, and will be team leader of Surviving Mann All Stars, “Heaven and Hell” which shoots in Belize in July 2023.
She is also producing a new show called Lifeline, putting people through common crime scenarios, watching as things go south, swooping in and stopping the action, training people up, and restarting the scenario to see what they learned.
Finally, Dr. Jenn works extensively as an expert witness in criminal cases, and has worked on several self-defense cases. Through this work, she has become an ambassador for Byrna less lethal launchers and is working hard to educate people on how to stay safe and proper use of force to avoid legal liability.
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