Our Guests: Don Turner

Don Turner 3.18.17
Don Turner

About Don Turner

Don Turner is the President of the Nevada Firearms Coalition, the statewide grassroots organization for people who support the Second Amendment of our United States Constitution and Section 11 of the Constitution of the State of Nevada.

The NVFAC is a membership organization of firearms owners, supporters, users, public and private gun clubs and commercial shooting sports enterprises who are interested in promoting and protecting the ownership and safe use of firearms for self-defense, competition, recreation and hunting.

The NVFAC is actively involved through our NVFAC Political Action Committee of working with the Nevada Legislature and City, Towns and Counties in Nevada to ensure that our rights are protected and that all firearms laws are fair and apply to all citizens of the state.

They are actively involved in Education, Training, Competitions and Conservation activities. These  are supported by our NVFAC FOUNDATION which is funded by tax deductible donations.

We are the NRA’s State Association and we are members of National Shooting Sports Foundation, Civilian Marksmanship Program and USA Shooting.

Don Turner’s Bio includes:

 Environmental/wildlife biologist with Utah State Highway Department

 30 years with Arizona Game and Fish Department in positions of Strategic Wildlife Planner, Wildlife Manager, Regional Law Enforcement Supervisor, Regional Supervisor, Field Operations Coordinator, Project Leader Statewide Wildlife Areas, and Project Leader Statewide Shooting Ranges, Manager of the Ben Avery Shooting Facility.

 Certifications include AZ Peace Officer, and AZ State Police Academy Tactical Handgun, Tactical Rifle, Advanced Firearms, Officer Survival, Anti-Terrorism, and Watercraft Patrol Instructor (co author) “Watercraft Patrol and Survival Tactics” and certified Concealed Weapons Instructor.

 As statewide project leader for shooting ranges, over saw five state ranges and administered a $100,000 state shooting range grant program. Assigned as manager of the Ben Avery Shooting Facility due to reversion of county management lease. Successfully redeveloped operations and facility; increased shooting numbers from 47,000 shooter days to approximately 160,000 shooter days in nine years of operation.

 Served on AZ Governor’s Committee for Sport Shooting Ranges and authored state range protection and noise law.

 Hired by Clark County NV as consultant to begin planning for the Clark County Shooting Park 2003-2004.

 Retired from AZ Game and Fish in 2005, and began work for Clark County NV to develop 2,900 acre Clark County Shooting Park as Manager. The facility was fully operational in April 2010.

 Served on NRA Board of Directors from 2005 to 2008. Currently serves on NRA BOD Range Development Committee and serves as NRA Range Technical Team Advisor (specialist for shooting range issues on governmental lands)

 Served on NSSF Board of Directors and as Range Action Specialist and National Association of Shooting Ranges from 1996 to 2015.

 Retired in September 2010 from Clark County Shooting Park. Consultant on Operation and Management of Shooting Ranges.

 Founded and President of Nevada Firearms Coalition, Nevada Firearms Coalition Foundation, & Nevada Firearms PAC and Nevadans for State Gun Rights 2011 to present.

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