Our Guests: Dinah Rowland

Dinah Rowland
Dinah Rowland

About Dinah Rowland

Dinah Rowland is on a mission to save America, and has a powerful story of being an average American wife and Stay-at-Home mom who had grown disconnected from the processes of voting and having a say in the way our nation is run, to being energized and engaged by the #WalkAway campaign and movement sweeping America in 2018 and beyond.
-Stay-at-Home mom of four boys, ages 5 to 15 years old.
-Was recently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Counseling when she was swept into political activism and realized this is where she needs to be right now.
-Married to husband, Daniel, for 12 years and lives in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas.
-Dinah experienced an awakening, after having children, that began during the previous administration, which fuels her political activism that continues to grow. Though she has a heart and passion for local politics, she also has a vision for seeing America awakened and politics at the federal level.
Dinah’s heart leaped when she discovered the #WalkAway campaign that is an awakening happening across this country through the most diverse group of people from all walks of life. She attended the #WalkAway March on D.C. in October of 2018 to see the movement first hand and to support those who have walked away.
Dinah’s #WalkAway story:
“My walkaway story is different from those who walked away from liberalism. Mine is one of walking away from cluelessness and apathy in regard to politics and then, later, the fear of speaking out. I’ve come a long way, though, and watching what is happening in our country has ignited a passion in me to take responsibility—as a citizen of this great nation and to understand the issues on a deeper level so that I can get involved in a greater way and, hopefully, inspire others to do the same. I believe that the future of our Constitutional Republic, and the freedom and greatness that she stands for, depends on Conservatives courageously waking up and stepping up! 🇺🇸 What will America look like for our children and grandchildren if we don’t stand up and if we don’t at least vote while we still have a chance?
👉🏼I walked away from being a “Closet Conservative”…
👉🏼I walked away from Apathy…
👉🏼I walked away from expecting others to be political FOR ME…
👉🏼I walked away from cluelessness about how our government is supposed to work…
👉🏼I walked away from not understanding the importance of every election and every office…
👉🏼I walked away from not knowing who represents me and who needs my help getting elected…
#WalkAway #RedWave #WeThePeople 🇺🇸

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