Our Guests: Craig Fernandez

Craig Fernandez
Craig Fernandez

About Craig Fernandez

Craig Fernandez is an avid shooter and firearms instructor. His has an extensive  background working in the high tech field for over 20 years. His work started with mainframe software design and transitioned in to the web and cloud services. He’s worked for both very large fortune 15 companies and silicon valley startups. He moved to Arizona in 2004 where he started a successful consulting company.

After regaining control of his time, he started intensive tactical training and competitive shooting and became an instructor himself. Upon realizing some of the issues facing members of law enforcement and the military in getting the  high quality training they needed, he started Rally Point Alpha in 2011 and hasn’t looked back since. Rally Point Alpha is now in the process of transitioning to offer education and training to the private sector as well, including private security, contractors, and civilians.

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