Our Guests: Chris Dover, CloverTac Productions

Chris Dover
Chris Dover, CloverTac Productions

About Chris Dover, CloverTac Productions

Chris Dover is a husband, father, grandfather, former tech business owner, life long firearm owner and current owner of CloverTac Productions, a pro firearm media company based out of Texas.

Chris’ various state level 4-H Shooting Sports certifications, various NRA certifications and life experiences, such as being a former director with Texas State Rifle Association, combine to bring an interesting approach to the CloverTac branded videos, podcasts and social media posts.

He is a strong believer that outreach and education are a vital component to the security our Second Amendment rights. Two taglines that are used regularly in his content are; “bringing together the industry and community” and “chair fire freedom”.

Shows Featuring Chris Dover, CloverTac Productions


Places you can find Chris Dover, CloverTac Productions

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