Giving the Gift of Gun Ownership this Holiday Season, by Cheryl Todd

Women's Outdoor News WON

Gun Freedom Radio’s Co-Host, Cheryl Todd, writes a regular monthly article under “The Flame” on Women’s Outdoor News (WON). The following blog article titled “Giving the Gift of Gun Ownership this Holiday Season“.

The holiday season is in full swing, and we all have gift-giving ideas dancing in our heads. The people we love, and how to protect them, are never far from our minds, but personal safety is just that: personal.

Receiving a defense tool as a gift is only a blessing if the recipient knows how to properly use the item.

Without proper training, a knife, a canister of pepper spray, or a firearm can hurt the very person you hope to protect.


‘Tis the mid of November and all through the house 

AZFirearms Gun Store

Shopping for Holiday Gifts. Photo credit (Earl Gould & Cassie Todd-Jameson)


The excitement of gift-giving’s begun to arouse. 

With to-do lists all handled with adroitness and care

We practiced at the range without a moment to spare. 

This year we want to give personal safety instead

But safety and legal issues dance in our head. 

So we pull out our smartphone and fire up WON’s app


With that in mind, there are several wonderful ways to say “I care about your personal safety” that can be wrapped in festive paper.

#1) Range Time: If the people on your list have little or no training with the particular defense tool you have in mind, purchase a gift certificate to your local gun range. Many ranges offer rental of a wide variety of firearms, so your loved one can enjoy trying several different guns to get an idea of which ones (if any) best fit in their hand. To find a range in your area, simply search on, the NSSF’s range finder tool. (Price range: $50–$200)

#2) Make a Date: To make this an even more special gift, make a “date” out of the adventure to the firing range, or gather a group of friends for an afternoon of memory-making. You can enjoy coffee and dessert before heading to the range, or plan for dinner and drinks to celebrate afterward. For someone who has never been shooting, or who rarely invests time in themselves, this experience will be memorable (and possibly life changing). And even if your recipient has been to the range before, your time and attention are valuable gifts. (Price range: Priceless)…(READ ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE)

Article originally published on 11.09.16, and has been reposted on Gun Freedom Radio Blog with permission.

To learn more about the author of this article, Cheryl Todd.

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