Lies Hillary Said About Me, by Rob Morse

Rob Morse

Lies Hillary Said About Me, by Rob Morse

I listened to Hillary Clinton. I’m not a politician, so maybe that is why I can still tell the truth from a lie. Hillary lied about me.  If Clinton would lie about me, what would she say about you?

You see, I am an ordinary gun owner.  Hillary said that the government has the right to have guns, but ordinary citizens don’t.  That is really strange, because I thought ordinary citizens like you and me were the source of rights.. rights like free speech and freedom to worship.  It doesn’t make sense that when it comes to guns, the government claims to have “rights” that the people themselves don’t have.  I’m sure Hillary can bribe and blackmail judges to say almost anything, but that doesn’t make it the truth… (READ ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE)

Article originally published on 10.20.16, and has been reposted on Gun Freedom Radio Blog with permission.

To learn more about the author of this article, Rob Morse.

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