Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast, Weekly reports commentary on civilian self defense

Self Defense Gun Stories

Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast, Weekly reports commentary on civilian self-defense

This is a new podcast, hosted by Rob Morse, that brings you recent examples of armed civilians protecting themselves and those they love.  Experienced self defense instructors offer insightful Monday-Morning-Quarterback style commentary on each event, with the goal of offering information on what went well, and what might have been done better.  Educational and thought provoking content.

Rob Morse writes and speaks about the right of self-defense. Find his writings at the SlowFacts blog Clash Daily and at Ammoland.  He is a co-host on the Polite Society Podcast. Rob also has a firearms safety blog at Everytown for Gun  He competes in local  IDPA matches and is an NRA pistol instructor.

Rob Morse small

Rob Morse

Episode 5 with Tatiana Whitlock

Introduction-  Welcome to Episode 5 of Self-Defense Gun Stories.  Your Host, Rob Morse with firearms instructor Tatiana Whitlock bring you examples of armed civilian defense each week.

First story- Elderly couple attacked by two men in their 20s– It was a little after 8:30 in the evening.  A 65 year old man and his wife were walking home from their business in the Queen Village neighborhood of Philadelphia.  They’ve lived there for 40 years.  The couple passed two young men on their walk.  One of the men said “What are you looking at?”  The couple stepped back, but moments later the two young men attacked them.  The old man was knocked down and kicked.  The old woman was hit as well.  From the ground, the old man drew his licensed firearm and shot his two attackers.

The elderly man was taken to the hospital with cuts and bruises on his face, head, neck and chest.  The two young men went to the hospital with gunshot wounds and are in stable condition.

Tatiana’s Initial Observations:  Disparity of force.  Mantle of innocence.  Young men were not covered with bruises.  The old man was.  Options?  The couple can’t run.  Licensed firearm increases his credibility as a law abiding person. (MORE…)


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