Don’t Be a “But…” About the Second Amendment, by Cheryl Todd

Cheryl Todd

Don’t Be a “But…” About the Second Amendment, by Cheryl Todd


“Whoopie Goldberg is a “But…

The trendy-mustachioed guy wearing a #FeelTheBern t-shirt at the organic grocery store is a “But…

The herd of fake conservatives from “Everytown for Gun Safety” are “Buts…

They say, “I own a gun, but…,” as they expose themselves.. and foul the air with propaganda.

That phrase “I support the right to own a gun.. but..,” is a telltale warning for the misinformation and ignorance to follow.

What these phrases boil down to is “I own a gun, but I think we need more laws to restrict our rights to own guns.”  Safe and responsible gun owners are not “Buts…”  Safe and responsible gun owners are educated and informed.  They know what laws are already on the books, what the Constitution says, and they also know their rights.hipster

Astute gun owners recognize which media talking-points and which political rhetoric is nonsense.

But nothing.

“I am a gun-owner AND I will protect and defend my rights from being eroded away by politicians and the uninformed.”

“I am a gun-owner AND we already have every law on the books that we need.  I am a gun-owner AND I will communicate with my elected officials and hold them accountable for enforcing existing laws.  I am a gun-owner AND I will support my rights with every opportunity to vote and have my voice heard.  I will stay informed, well-trained AND connected to help protect our rights for the generations to come.”

As entrepreneur and innovator David Howitt suggested, “Unleash the Power of AND, and resist the tyranny of all those “Buts…”.

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